sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2011

The Co-Workers: Gary and Thomas Ch. 11 by Kenneth Johnson [Erotic Story]


I was nervous, I didn't fully think this out. But there I was, standing before him with 3 suite cases, 2 full of clothes, the other full of money. I finally found my voice after standing there in silence for so long. "Hank, please take me back."


I knew I looked a mess. I stayed up drinking all night, my hair is is just every where. And for god sakes I haven't brushed my teeth! Now he's standing here asking me to take him back. I slowly began tucking in my shirt, before he broke my train of thought. "Baby, you look fine. " He said to me. I felt the water fill in my eyes, I leaned into his arms as he held me. I began crying heavily.  I felt his lips kiss my forehead, I remembered we was outside, I pulled him inside and kissed him deeply.  I remembered what happened just yesterday, I broke the kiss. I backed away, and folded my arms. "Explain, explain all what happened yesterday. " I said, whipping the tears, trying to make my voice not sound cracky. He tried to stroke my face, I smacked his hand away. "Answer. " I said seriously. "I only went with her so I could get my stuff back without her shooting in my face. I was coming back to you. " Bill said to me. "Why didn't you atleast give me a sign?" I said. "I couldn't, if she woulda caught that, I'd be fucked." Bill said. "I love you. " I spited out. Bill just stood there. " do? " Bill asked. I held him tightly. "Yes, I do. I know it's been only a few days but I love you! " I shouted.


"Gary, how about we have a little BBQ? " I said. "Sure, we can invite the whole family. " Thomas said smiling. Donny looked back at us. "Can I invite Mikey??" He asked both of us. Me and Gary blinked. "Who's Mikey?" We asked. Donny blushed. "A boy I met at school. " He said. "No sex til your 16, and no holding kissing til your 92." I said. "Thomas!! " Gary said. "I wasn't gonna do any of that nasty stuff!! " Donny said running to his room. I chuckled then looked at Gary. "But no seriously, not til he's 16." I said. Gary nodded. "Yes, that is the ***rules **** and we understand that. " Gary said "I'll go get the food setup!" He added running off.


Note : I'm finally back! :)

Name: Kenneth Johnson



I'm Ken. I'm a girl, lesbian. Yes shocking I know, lol. But I write stories for all love! I was born in Ok, Tusla. But I've moved to Las Vegas when I was 1. I'm african-american, I'm in High School. Add me on facebook or Email me. Facebook: Http:// -- Thanks guys! I love writing, and I'll keep writing! If you feel like texting me my # is 702 773 3156 *New number You CAN call, it's just i'm super shy. I'm in college, I do everything a weird but awesome person would do. Half of my stories are made up/true/ and me seeing what the future has in hold for me and my fincee. I pratice parkour, and many other things. I snowboard also. I'm just crazy all around, once I break out from being shy expect me to be crazy, and overly hyper for just plain no reason! I love everybody, talk to everybody.

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