quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2011

Attack of the Fucking Machines

20 Jan 2010

Attack of the Fucking Machines

Attack of the Fucking Machines

"Sorry guys, only a machine can cause this effect" - Photo courtesy of Fucking Machines

'She gets her pussy spread wide by its menacing probe. Her soft flesh yields to the metal member that explores her every orifice. It drives deep into her as she loses herself in ecstasy'. Sounds like a sci-fi movie, but its actually describing a fucking machine site called Fucking Machines!!

Some of you may be familiar with Fucking Machines, but I believe that quite of few of you aren't. So, let me take a moment and explain to you what this site is all about. This site takes beautiful women and expose them to machines that are built for the sole purpose of fucking a women. Now, it all seems pretty self-explanatory, and of course it is, but there is something that is missing from that simple summary.

And that is where my problems start. As a writer I have to effectively convey the power and sensuality of a site. But, this site almost left me speechless. It is very hard to describe just how hot it is too watch these women spread their holes for these lifeless machines. It almost goes beyond the ability to describe it. Of course, I can't just say go look at it and call it quits. No, I'm going to have to make an attempt to convey the power and sensuality of Fucking Machines, though I think that I am probably going to fail miserably.

Okay, here goes. First thing that I would like to explain to you is the complexity of these machines. They have gears, axles, pistons and other types of moving parts. Some of the remind me of the inner workings of a clock, they are that advanced. They are by no means just simple vibrators folks. Another thing that I would like to convey to you is just how hard it will make you. As I watched these specially designed mechanoids plow their cold hard steel into these women's soft, warm twats I thought that I was going to blow a specific gasket of my own, if you know what I mean!!!!!

Fucking Machines is a site that will completely blow you away. It will not only put your jaw on the floor, but it will also make you horny as hell. But, don't take my word for it. You should check it out for yourself. All you have to do is run over to Fucking Machines and see what its all about. Trust me, this is a site that will do wonders for you. Like I said, its almost beyond words what this site is capable of doing. I don't know what it is about watching ladies getting fucked by inanimate objects, but I do know one thing. It's hot as all fucking hell!!

Now, I only have one more question. After watching these machines work their magic on these beautiful, and quite willing, women it leaves me wondering. How do I get a job running one of these mother fuckers? Hell, don't they need an operator? I have a drivers license!!

Posted by David 19:53:00

View the original article here

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