terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2011

Raw Adventures of APT and SPB [Blog Post]

gaydemon > blog > Editors Pick > Raw Adventures of APT and SPB

Blog published on September 2, 2011 10:11 PM at GayDemon's gay porn blog.

Raw Adventures Of APT and SPB

It's not surprising that when you click to Raw Adventures of Alpha Pig Top and Sissy Pig Bottom (to give it its full title) that you get a warning message. 'Are you sure you want to enter?' Click yes! You'll be slapped in the face with bareback fuck scenes, video clips, cartoons, drawings, text, words, news and anything that's to do with asses dripping jizz and condom-free sex. These two guys are a real life couple who know what they like, and they like to share it with us. And we get to share it with them, too, as this is more than a blog. You can send in your own photos, video and stories and see what other followers have contributed. And, as all of this fun is free, you soon find yourself clicking in here every day to catch up with friends, read the news and most of all, see the wet and dripping, horny and hard images and video clips that Alpha Top and Sissy Pig Bottom have found for you.

Click to visit Raw Adventures of APT and SPB

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